Intelligent Order Routing

by WebSan Solutions Inc.

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Automatically Route Sales Orders to Your Preferred Fulfillment Location

Need to fulfill orders from different warehouse locations? Manually routing orders to the appropriate location?

The Intelligent Order Routing app automatically determines the optimal order fulfillment location, improving the quantity of orders fulfilled and ensuring your customers receive goods as quickly as possible.

Route sales orders within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to the appropriate location for fulfillment based on your unique business rules. Rules can be set to include or exclude orders from re-routing, international distribution firms can restrict cross-border fulfillment, and all updates are logged for tracking. Route your order to the appropriate location based on any criteria of the:

    • Customer
    • Item
    • Sales Order
    • Sales Order Line

Option to skip orders or override reservations where necessary.

The Intelligent Order Routing App delivers the flexibility required to rapidly scale and automate your fulfillment process.

Choose the industry leader trusted worldwide for Dynamics 365 Business Central apps, honoured as a Microsoft Partner of the Year winner.

Start a free trial today or enjoy unlimited complimentary use in any Dynamics 365 Business Central sandbox environment.

Setup in a few minutes using the Assisted Setup wizard

Cost: $20 per tenant per month

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Supported Editions: The app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries: This app is available globally, except Czechia.

Supported Languages: This app is available in English (United States), French, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Deutsch, Hindi, Vietnamese, Danish, Arabic, Italian, Japanese and Russian.

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